Saturday, May 26, 2012

The House that Built Me

Pumps. Portfolio. Power Suit.

During the past couple of weeks since I graduated from the University of Tennessee I have been flooded with corporate America. I knew this time would come, but now as it is in my near future (9 Days away to be exact) I have a decision to make. The clock is ticking and a choice needs to be made.
 Two jobs. Two cities. Two roads. Which one to take?

This feels like the biggest decision of my life. I heard the quote a while ago that said, “When you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin. Why? Because when that coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you’re hoping for”.

That is nice in theory but in this moment that doesn’t seem like enough. The battle between the head and the heart continues. The battle between what makes sense on paper and what my emotions want drags on. Pro/Con lists were made, sleepless nights weighing the offers, and restlessness all around. I still managed to feel a sense of how blessed I am to have choices. I am grateful for this hard decision. After days of uneasiness, I think I have finally found that perfect balance between my head and heart.

The reality is nothing will be the same again. I am back in Nashville where nothing is the same as when I left four years ago to embark on my college adventure in Knoxville. And nothing will be the same again in Knoxville now that college is over. Therefore the decision is made. 


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wild Ones

I have been home for less than a week and I am restless. I have no idea what to do with myself. After I apply for jobs and career hunt I workout, layout, and the process of cleaning out my room has proved to be overwhelming. My bedroom is in a time warp. My high school years are present everywhere. Old pictures. Old cds. And old clothes. I decided the clothes have got to go because let’s face it, if I haven’t worn it since highschool I don’t need it. And if it’s not as memorable as the duck sweater, it is just taking up space that my current post grad life needs. I am my mothers’ daughter, which means I collect jeans like some people collect coins. Tooo many pairs. As I decided it was time to detox, I kept one of my favorite pairs to make into jorts. A few moments on Pintrest and I was inspired.

Snip, cut, sew. Success.

Final Product.

My new life post college so far is just a waiting game full of interviews and phone calls. But during this waiting game I am going to work my way through Pintrest.

Margarita Pie and jorts down. 

It was delicious.

Thousands of projects to go. Crafting, cooking, and checking out that fitness section (because I’d hate to outgrow these newly created jorts) until my next big break in the world of becoming a working woman. 


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Call Me, Maybe

The Little Life of a Late Night Drama Queen with a degree
And the whirlwind is over.
The past two months have been full of “lasts” and goodbyes.
It has all been so bittersweet because these last few weeks have been so amazing.It is hard and sad to see it all end.

Last Alpha Delta Pi Mixer:

Katy Perry & Sophia Grace before the Pop Culture Mixer.

Last Alpha Delta Pi Formal:

4 Years of Friendship. Love them all. This last formal was my favorite.

I took Britt to my last formal. We had a blast. Danced the night away.

Last Alpha Delta Pi Meeting:

All the seniors at our last meeting.

All of these “last” events led to the grand finale. Graduation Day. The Commencement Ceremony.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry walking across the stage.

 In my mind this was the end. It’s never getting better than the past four years. But if you looked up commencement in a dictionary you would find:

Noun: the act of instance of a beginning, start

Communication and Information ladies on Graduation morning.
Proud little family.

The past four years have been full of great memories and friendships but on May 10th at 8:30 am the next stage in my life started. I am still uncertain what this stage will hold or look like, but it’s begun and I refuse to let my life just pass me by. I am going to miss college and the many friends I left behind( it still feels like I am just home for the weekend, so reality may hit me later) and even though I felt like my body had to be pulled out of Knoxville, I am ready to see where I end up. I am so grateful to have had an amazing college experience. When I think about myself as a freshman I see that young girl looking for an adventure, and I am so happy to know that I got exactly what I was looking for at the University of Tennessee.