Friday, December 30, 2011

I Don't Want this Night to End

1.a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group. Compare concurrent resolution, joint resolution.
2.a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
3.the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
4.the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.
5.the act or process of resolving or separating into constituent or elementary parts.

Christmas has come and gone and now the new year is just days away! For thousands of people this means figuring out and making their New Years Resolution. Many of you will not be surprised that I rarely. aka. never partake in this tradition. After a little bit of computer nonsense I stumbled upon many articles about these resolutions that only 42% of Americans will make and only 42% of them will actually achieve/accomplish. The typical resolutions seem to be very challenging yet so simple. 
The most popular were:
Lose 20 lbs. 
Quit Smoking/Drinking.
 Get out of debt.
 Live a happier life.
hmm. so vague right?

The thing about most common New Years Resolutions is the fact that they are sooo much easier said than done. Why don’t the majority of Americans pick something fun and a little easier to accomplish like learning how to ride a unicycle or committing to drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Hah okay that may be a little too easy. I guess these are like most things in life, but to just say you will get out of debt or lose 20  pounds you need a plan or you will fail. Jimmy, my very smart dad, always says, “Failing to plan is planning to fail”. I blame this silly phrase for the reason I have over planned every ounce of my life. As I am faced with the most uncertain point in my little life and future I am starting to embrace the unknown. I am finally starting to see the next year of my life like an untold adventure. As long as I don’t lose sight of my dreams or lose the love of those around me, everything will turn out fabulous. 
Or fabulously imperfect.

“The real secret to the fabulous life is to live imperfectly with great delight.”

With this new year approaching, I will as always not have a New Years resolution. No extreme diet or exercise changes, no new skills in the works, & no vague steps to dramatically changing my life. This new year will bring me new adventures and opportunities as a college graduate, but the best part about life is that I don't have to wait until January 1st to make my dreams to come true. God has blessed me with people in my life that make every opportunity, experience and adventure magical. Just as magical as any New Years Eve. 

Happy New Year!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Away in a Manger

 Christmas is less than a week away. I am not sure how it is possible that the days have gone by so fast. But nonetheless the week of Christmas is here. Cool Springs is packed with busy shoppers. The radio plays nonstop Christmas carols. And snowflakes fill the sky…oh wait. No just rain and highs in the 60’s. 

This time of year everyone is busy wrapping up unfinished business and the hustle and bustle of the season often makes me put the real reason of the holiday in the backseat. But today I was standing among hundreds of people waving American flags, smiling ear to ear, with not a dry eye next to me. Robyn, being a mom, and seeing this 23-year-old man coming home to his little girl was bawling.

Police escort for Andrew Wilson.

Driving into Brentwood.
A soldier coming back from war.
Just 23 years old and he has served our country.
Sacrificed his years as a young adult for the safety of our country. 
It reminded me of the huge sacrifice that God made for us. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, who would be the ultimate gift and sacrifice.

Nativity Scene
This season the soldier’s little girl got her Christmas wish. Her daddy was home for Christmas. It put everything in perspective for me once again.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Back to December

December is here. Final Exams are in full swing… Well more like, group final projects, papers, and only two exams. I haven’t had a test yet, and still wont for several days. That being said, I have had been able to enjoy my morning cup of coffee, the Today Show and Beth Moore’s bible study.

The Ester study I did earlier in the fall was fabulous, so I had high expectations of Mrs. Beth Moore and what she had in store in Stepping Up: A Journey through the Psalms of Ascent
Today it was, as always, so fitting to my life.  

My mom has always taught me to be open and honest with people. She has shown me over the years how being a woman of God will give you strength and love that could come from no one else. My mom has always been the godly woman I am striving towards. But with this open and honest policy she has engraved on my heart, it comes with the realization that when you are so open, honest and vulnerable you must be ready to receive the same honesty in return. 

This morning as I enjoyed my pumpkin spice coffee and read through Psalms I knew it would hit home with me. I must admit a major character flaw of mine:
 I can be a bit OCD and Type A at times. 

I plan, organize, analyze and then over-analyze

I wonder why God allows some things to happen and then refuses others. I think about the past, question the future, but where does that leave the present? Today Beth Moore’s study was simply about how in Psalms, God has a plan that we can’t see right now. He has the timing orchestrated for our own best interest. Sometimes he can play the role of a dad, withholding something a child wants because "daddy knows best" and what the child wants will be more harm than good. And other times God’s plan is to bring us back to him. Beth says, “He is the ultimate Prince Charming to every woman, especially the one who forgot she was Cinderella”. Sometimes God holds off on things so we remember how they are supposed to be and how He should always remain our focus. 

We are back to December again and Christmas is right around the corner. I am about to go home to my family unsure of how next Christmas will look, where I will be working, and living. With graduation on my mind & the past few days of a reality slap in the face I am reminded to just let things happen according to God's honest and open truth that He has my best interest in mind. What is happening right doesn’t need to be missed out on because I am over analyzing,thinking&worrying.