Pumps. Portfolio. Power Suit.
During the past couple of weeks since I graduated from the University of Tennessee I have been flooded with corporate America. I knew this time would come, but now as it is in my near future (9 Days away to be exact) I have a decision to make. The clock is ticking and a choice needs to be made.
Two jobs. Two cities. Two roads. Which one to take?
This feels like the biggest decision of my life. I heard the quote a while ago that said, “When you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin. Why? Because when that coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you’re hoping for”.
That is nice in theory but in this moment that doesn’t seem like enough. The battle between the head and the heart continues. The battle between what makes sense on paper and what my emotions want drags on. Pro/Con lists were made, sleepless nights weighing the offers, and restlessness all around. I still managed to feel a sense of how blessed I am to have choices. I am grateful for this hard decision. After days of uneasiness, I think I have finally found that perfect balance between my head and heart.
The reality is nothing will be the same again. I am back in Nashville where nothing is the same as when I left four years ago to embark on my college adventure in Knoxville. And nothing will be the same again in Knoxville now that college is over. Therefore the decision is made.