Yesterday was one of the best days of the year. Easter Sunday. It is such a special day. Sunrise Easter Service. 7:00am. The air is crisp and fresh, the sense of new beginnings and forgiveness are abundant.

I was back in Franklin, Tn at home for Easter Break (which the university likes to call “Spring Recess”, which I will spare anyone who ever reads this of my opinion on that matter) and I went to Fellowship Bible Church, where my family has attended for several years now. The sermon was amazing. I was surprised by the unconventional Easter morning message. Righteousness. How do we become more like Christ? More Righteous? One point of his message that stood out to me was how people who don’t know they need God are the people who need him the most. The people who think they are fine, are the people who are trying to do it on their own…In my mind all I could think about was “Self Righteous” people. People who believe they are living the “perfect” Christian walk. People who make others feel as if they will never be good enough, and there struggles are too much for anyone to forgive. Then I was reminded oh why yes there in fact is someone who will forgive my imperfections, my struggles, and my failures. Jesus Christ. These people are right. I will never be good enough and deserving of God’s Mercy. But that’s why it is called Mercy. The struggle, the up’s and the down’s. The fight back to Him.
After the past year watching people become disengaged, removed because of their own disapproval, and blinded by their own judgmental fog, I was reminded this past Sunday that I am by NO means perfect, but the fact that I am willing to admit this and ask for God’s help I am growing in Him. I will grow closer to Him through these challenges, and I need to let go of other people’s opinions on my life. I have let other people’s judgments of my life matter, tiptoeing around them so they will not see my faults. Afraid to grow up and experience things in life because I was afraid how they would respond. Now, this may seem slightly judgmental on my part towards judgmental people. That IS NOT my intent.
Security in Christ. He forgives my sins, and restores my soul.
This past year I have grown up, changed, and become closer to Christ than ever before. I have learned and lost. Some people don’t need to be in your life, and that’s okay. The people who matter will accept your faults, keep you accountable and help you find your way back to the unbeaten path on this journey towards God and His Righteous.
We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person. ~W. Somerset.